What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic is health care that works with your body. Chiropractors diagnosis and treat misalignments of the joints, especially those of the spine. Misalignments can occur in the extremities also. Misalignments can press on the nerves. This complex is called the subluxation. Subluxations can cause disease in the body by affecting the nerves, muscles, and organs. Chiropractic treatments are called adjustments.
How It Works
The big picture of chiropractic is about letting the nervous system work the best it can. The nervous system is made up of three primary parts: your brain, spinal cord, and nerves. This is how your body communicates to itself. The nerves control everything in the body: how you move, how you feel, and all your organs. Chiropractic lets your nerves work better so your entire body works better. The results are decreased pain and increased function of your body – without drugs or surgery.
Payment Options
Casteel Chiropractic in Clearfield accepts most insurances including (but not limited to): AmeriHealth, Auto, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Coventry, Gateway, Geisinger, Medicare, UPMC, Worker Compensation. We work with your company for your convenience. We also have health plans available for individuals without chiropractic health insurance to keep your care affordable. We accept cash, check and credit cards. If you have concerns or questions, let us know. We will do our best to make the process easy.
Chiropractic is health insurance. Premiums small. Dividends large.
– Dr. BJ Palmer
Frequently Asked Questions
No. Having musculoskeletal pain is common as we age – especially when we engage in manual labor jobs or stressful times in life, but it is not “normal.” Often chiropractic can help reduce daily aches and pains.
Yes. Chiropractors assess different things than medical doctors. We are glad nothing is wrong with you medically. Make an appointment and let us assess your spine and nervous system.
No. Contact your medical doctor for assessment of a pain medication. If you want to try to manage your pain without drugs or surgery, contact us.
No. We have our own x-ray equipment and will take care of everything we need for your assessment and treatment in our office.
Yes. Babies and children have a spine and nervous system just like adults. The great news is – they do not have the years of abuse adults have. We are a family practice at Casteel Chiropractic. We take pride in making the entire appointment a positive experience for patients of all ages.